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Get ready for your important event with makeup by Lori! Lori will walk you through your very own style with her personalized touch and elegance. Don't wait, call today to schedule your consultation.

Makeup is my passion. I love seeing my clients’ reaction when they see their new look for the first time. It doesn’t matter if you are getting ready for a wedding, bar/bas mitzvah, sweet sixteen, communion, prom, anniversary, or just a night out on the town, I will find the perfect colors and shades to bring out your natural beauty to its fullest.

There’s nothing in the world like hearing people tell you “you look amazing!” My goal at every session is that you hear it more than once at your event or big day.

Feel and look your most beautiful!


opinions avatar

Tony Thompson

 Lori is an amazing artist,the best in the business. She did an amazing job for our music artists.

2016-02-16 8:22:31

opinions avatar

Jess Liu

 Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.  Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.  Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.

2016-02-16 8:22:31

opinions avatar

Jess Liu

 Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.  Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.  Great service, friendly staff. Would recommend it to others.

2016-02-16 8:22:31


dla Lori Mazza Personal Makeup Artist

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