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Filharmonia Wrocławska jest twórcą i współtwórcą trzech festiwali poświęconych muzyce, z których dwa są do dziś obecne w życiu miasta. Są to: * Festiwal Polskiej Muzyki Ws

The Wrocław Philharmonic is sole or joint founder of three music festivals, of which two are still present in the life of the town:

* "Musica Polonica Nova" Contemporary Polish Music Festival (since 1962),
* "Dni Muzyki Organowej" [Organ Music Days] (1964), changed in 1969 into "Dni Muzyki Organowej i Klawesynowej" [Organ and Harpsichord Days] (till 1978),
* Wratislavia Cantans International Festival of Oratorio and Cantata Music (since 1966).

In 1978, the latter was added to the list of European Association of Music Festivals as the second Polish festival (after the "Warsaw Autumn").
The Philharmonic was also co-organizer of Chopin Festival in Duszniki Zdrój (1960-72).

In 1966, four musicians of the Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra – Zbigniew Wojt (violin), Jadwiga Kotlewska (violin), Zbigniew Fedorus (viola), and Krzysztof Dymek (cello) – founded Kwartet Wratislavia [Wratislavia Quartet]. In different line-ups – featuring Jacek Niwelt (first violin), Zbigniew Szufłat (second violin), and Konstanty Poźniak (viola) – it existed until 1984. The ensemble performed at festivals and gave concerts not only in Poland, but also in Germany and Czechoslovakia. Besides works of world chamber literature (Boccherini, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Shostakovich, Ravel), Kwartet Wratislavia performed pieces by Polish composers (Moniuszko, Szawłowski, Baird, Bogusławski), as well as had first performances of a number of contemporary compositions to their credit; these included Third String Quartet by Leszek Wisłocki, or Third String Quartet by P. Drożdżewski.

In the 1970s, Wiolonczelowy Zespół Kameralny [Cello Chamber Ensemble] operated at the Wrocław Philharmonic. Inspired by Prof. Krzysztof Dymek, the ensemble was founded by musicians who played at the Philharmonic Orchestra and – depending on the repertoire – changed its line-up from quartet to octet. The ensemble gave concerts of chamber music and played at different festivals throughout the country.
One of the most spectacular events in its history was a performance within Polish Cello Orchestra at a special concert to commemorate 100th birthday of Pablo Casals, which was held at the National Philharmonic on 22 December 1976.

Initiated by the Philharmonic, the "Filharmonia dla Młodych" [Young Person’s Philharmonic] concert series, which is intended for older pupils of primary and students of secondary schools, enjoys unfailing popularity.

Held on Sunday afternoons, "Filharmonia Familijna" [The Family Philharmonic] is a concert series designed for families with children of school and pre-school age.

It was also at the Philharmonic that the idea germinated to include the most interesting concerts into the subscription series. The Wrocław Philharmonic was the second in the country (after the National Philharmonic) to extend its offer with subscription concerts covering the entire artistic season.

The Wrocław Philharmonic was one of the first musical institutions in the country to stage selected concerts in historical interiors.

It was the first philharmonic institution to systematically publish quarterly guides.

It was also the first philharmonic to introduce blocks and cycles of concerts (incl. "Sylwetki kompozytorów" [Composer Profiles], "Twórczość organowa Bacha" [Bach’s Organ Works], "Muzyka XX wieku" [20th Century Music], "Świat instrumentów muzycznych" [The World of Musical Instruments], "Muzyka i architektura" [Music and Architecture], "Recitale dyrygenckie" [Conductor Recitals], "Sławne głosy" [Illustrious Voices], "Arcydzieła symfoniki" [Symphonic Masterpieces]).

It was the first symphony orchestra in the world to play for in front of a throng of 300,000 listeners. It took place in August 2002, at "Przystanek Woodstock" [Woodstock Station] festival in Żary, where it accompanied rock musicians. The orchestra were back at a rock concert in December 2002 at Orbita Hall in Wrocław. Both events were organized by Jurek Owsiak’s Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy [Christmas Comfort Grand Orchestra].

On 8 March 2003, during a ceremonious gala, the Wrocław Philharmonic were awarded the Dolnośląski Brylant Roku 2002 [2002 Lower Silesia Diamond Prize]. Viewers, readers and listeners of Wrocław-based media voted the orchestra’s presentation of Ravel’s ”Bolero” at "Przystanek Woodstock" in Żary, the 2002 Cultural Event of the Year.

Establishment of Cantores Minores Wratislavienses chamber choir was a notable event in the history of the Philharmonic. Although the ensemble (originally conceived by A. Markowski) later evolved into a separate institution, it remains bound to the Philharmonic both by its origin and the sheer number of concerts held in its hall.


dla Filharmonia Wrocławska

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CD Accord ACD 145-2 &ndash; premiera październik 2009<br /> <br /> <br /> (...) LEOPOLDINUM pod dyrekcją Ernsta Kovacica gra rzetelnie, chwilami - zwłaszcza w Wielkiej Fudze - porywająco. Sama zaś płyta, pięknie wydana i opatrzona wyczerpującym muzykologicznym wywodem zamieszczonym w książeczce, z racji ciekawego repertuaru stanowi cenną lekcję dla wszystkich meloman&oacute;w.&quot;<br /> Piotr Nowak, Gazeta Wyborcza 26.10.2009&nbsp;

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Biuro Wolontariatu

&nbsp;MŁODZI WROCŁAWIANIE!<br /> Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych uczni&oacute;w szk&oacute;ł średnich i student&oacute;w wyższych uczelni do włączenia się w Biura Wolontariatu Filharmonii Wrocławskiej. Pragniemy stworzyć wyjątkowy, otwarty na nowatorskie działania, zesp&oacute;ł młodych ludzi, kt&oacute;ry będzie aktywnie wspierał artystyczne wydarzenia muzyczne.<br /> <br /> ZOSTAŃ WOLONTARIUSZEM FILHARMONII WROCŁAWSKIEJ !!!<br /> <br /> Jakie przywileje ma Wolontariusz Filharmonii?<br /> - bezpłatne wejścia na koncerty<br /> - zaproszenia na wszelkie filharmoniczne wydarzenia jak np.: <br /> spotkania z artystami, wernisaże, konferencje prasowe<br /> - możliwość zaliczenia praktyk zawodowych<br /> - możliwość zakupu bilet&oacute;w na koncerty Filharmonii w promocyjnych cenach<br /> - otrzymanie prezent&oacute;w w postaci wydawnictw Filharmonii<br /> (płyty CD, albumy, itp.)<br /> - otrzymanie dokument&oacute;w referencyjnych. <br /> <br /> <br /> Więcej informacji:<br /> Patrycja Nowak<br /> patrycja.nowak@filharmonia.wroclaw.pl

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Biuro Wolontariatu

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<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: xx-large;"><strong>Koncert Andrzejkowy</strong></span></div>

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