Terms of Service



The following terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall mean:

Honaro - Karol Andruszków Honaro located in ul. Inowrocławska 50/14, 53-648 Wrocław, Tax Reference Number: PL8992453475.

Profile Database - a collection of data, put on the Website by Users and/or Companies, which are gathered and processed (with the consent of such Users and/or Companies) as part of the Services provided by Honaro.

Profile – space made available by Honaro to the User/Company on the Server, where they can enter Data and moderate it.

Data - any content, especially any information, images, audio files, video files, reviews, opinions and rates, which are put by the User and/or the Company voluntarily on the Website.

Website - an Internet portal run by Honaro under the main domain and under all other domains dedicated for individual domestic markets, such as,,, and in partner portals.

Mail - a service available to Users/Companies for internal communication within the Website between Profiles.

Terms and Conditions - this document specifying the rules of using the Website.

Agreement - an agreement for provision of online services, concluded between the User/Company and Honaro at the time of acceptance by the User/Company of these Terms and Conditions.

Service/Services - all activities undertaken by Honaro, especially creating the User/Company profile, searching users/companies/products, adding opinions, rating and recommending companies. The User/Company concluding the Agreement with Honaro gives its consent for these Services to be displayed on its Profile and to communicate them using Mail.

Paid Services – uservices offered to Companies and specified in the price list available on the Website at

User - a natural person.

Company – an entity which is an entrepreneur within the meaning of the Act of 2 July 2004 on Freedom of Business Activity (Dziennik Ustaw official gazette of 2004 no. 173 item 1807).

Inform about a Company – a service provided by Honaro, allowing to add Companies to the Website Database.

Promote your Company – a service available only to Users who may represent the added Company, allowing to create new Company profile.

Join a Company - ua service showing the relationship with a given company. The possible types of relationships are: in case of Company Profile: customer-supplier-partner relationship; in case of User Profile: customer-employee or friend relationship.

News - a service allowing to receive messages to the Profile, especially about news and added opinions/multimedia.

Company Branch - this function is available to Companies; it allows to add to own Profiles detailed contact details and driving directions, especially to branches, company departments and local offices.

I represent a Company - a service available only to Users authorised to act on behalf of the added Company.

Opinion - a service available only to entities related to a given company, especially to its customers, suppliers, employees and partners.

References - a service available only to companies related to a given company, especially to its customers and suppliers.

Attachments - users authorised by a given company may add links, documents and multimedia files to the company’s paid Company Profile.

Rate - a service available to Users and/or Companies.

Recommend - a service available only to entities related to a given company, especially to its customers, suppliers, employees and partners.


  1. These Terms and Conditions specify the rules of putting by Companies and/or Users on the Honaro portal any information on their business activity, as well as regulates in particular:
    1. the creation of a communication platform, among others by maintaining by Honaro a Profile Database allowing to search Users and/or Companies and exchange correspondence, remarks, opinions, as well as establish new contacts and relations between Users and/or Companies and between equivalent entities; and
    2. the making available by Honaro of server space in order to put Data on it by Users and/or Companies; and
    3. the provision of Services.
  2. Creating and using the Profile to access the Services and functions provided by Honaro on the Website is voluntary and free of charge (except for the Paid Services).
  3. The Website is intended for use by Users and/or Companies.
  4. The User/Company acknowledges that by using the Website, the User/Company accepts these Terms and Conditions and concludes the Agreement.
  5. Sign-up procedure:
    1. To set up a User Profile – complete the online sign-up form at,
    2. To set up a Company Profile – use the ‘Add new company’ function;
    3. Accept the Terms and Conditions (required both for User Profile and Company Profile).
  6. Completion of the online sign-up form and using the ‘Add new company’ or ‘Inform about a company’ function to create a Profile is equivalent to giving consent to the processing of personal details by Honaro in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on Protection of Personal Details (Dziennik Ustaw official gazette no. 133, item 883, as amended).
  7. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User/Company declares that:
    1. the User/Company has read these Terms and Conditions, accepts all of its provisions, and agrees to respect them;
    2. the User/Company has voluntarily decided to use the Website Services and gives consent to the provision by Honaro of the Services within its Profile on the Website;
    3. the User/Company accepts and agrees to use the Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and in accordance with its purpose;
    4. the data contained in the sign-up form (and possibly modified later during the use of the Website) are true and up to date, and that the Data put on the Profile are legal and especially do not violate any third party’s rights;
    5. the User/Company consents to the processing, obtaining, recording, storing, preparing, making available and removing its Data by Honaro as necessary to ensure appropriate provision of the Services by the Website, as well as for operational and statistical purposes related to the running of the Website;
    6. the User/Company agrees to the use of its image put on the Website in order to provide the Services by Honaro and to provide the functions of the Website, as well as confirms that the Data, image of other persons, and information (especially multimedia files, documents, images, etc.) were put on the Profile with their consent and legally, and that the User/Company is aware of the liability for putting on the Website any Data and image of third parties without appropriate authorisation;
    7. the User/Company agrees to receiving to the email address indicated in the Profile settings and to Mail any system information and the Honaro newsletter, especially any messages from Honaro and any information on inconveniences, changes or technical breaks in the operation of the Website;
    8. the User/Company accepts and consents to the removal by Honaro of any Data put on the Website, especially the Data that violate applicable laws and rules of social coexistence or that are untrue;
    9. the User/Company accepts and consents, without any restrictions, to:
      1. modifying or removing by Honaro the appearance of the Website, including the appearance, layout, etc. of the Profile, as well as putting on the Website or Profile (including in Mail) any information, windows, banners and advertisements;
      2. Honaro having sole discretion about the contents of the Website, as well as about removing and modifying any Data and Services on the Website, denying the User access to the Website, discontinuing the Website or any of its Services, transferring the rights to the Website, and taking any legal steps related to the Website, especially for technical or legal reasons, as well as out of concern for the quality and standard of the website.
    10. the User/Company is aware and agrees that the data provided by the User/Company are non-classified information which may be revealed to the public on the Website, and which, in particular, may be made available to persons using the Internet and indexed by search engines.
  8. In the event of death of the User who is a natural person or in the event of winding-up of the Company, the Agreement expires and the User/Company Profile will be removed as soon as the User Service Department is notified of this fact via e-mail sent to
  9. Subject to section 8 of this Article, the Agreement is concluded for an unspecified duration at the moment of acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  10. The Agreement may be terminated (in case of using the paid Profile) by giving a one month’s notice; in order to be valid, the notice must be in writing and must be signed (signature must be legible). A photocopy of the notice may be sent to


  1. Each User may add to the Website Database a Company which has not yet been added to the Database.
  2. If the newly added Company is already in the Database, it will be removed by Honaro.
  3. The added Company may be notified about the operations described in section 1 and 2 above.
  4. It is not allowed to add to the Website Database Companies which:
    1. do not exist;
    2. do not agree to this;
    3. are already in the Website Database.

Article 3. DATA

  1. Honaro processes the Data provided by the User and/or the Company in the scope necessary to sign, prepare the text of the Agreement, change, terminate and appropriately provide the Services provided online, as well as to bill the User and/or the Company.
  2. Honaro has the right to condition the provision of the services available on the Website to the User and/or the Company on prior:
    1. verification of the truthfulness of the entered or modified Data;
    2. verification of the legality of processing any Data and image made available on the Website;
    3. verification of identity;
    4. verification of the power to represent a given entity;
    by requesting, in case of doubts, a PHOTOCOPY of a document confirming the above. If no such photocopy is received or if Honaro has justified doubts – especially as to its authenticity – Honaro reserves the right to deny the provision of its services or block the Profile or selected services until the doubts are satisfactorily clarified, as well as to remove the Profile if no such photocopy is received within the specified deadline.
  3. The photocopies confirming the information referred to in section 2 of this Article will be destroyed once inspected.
  4. The User and/or the Company has at any time the right to inspect the Data processed within the Website, as well as the right to amend it or request their removal from the Profile Database.
  5. The User and/or the Company commits to update the Data entered on the website immediately after each change thereof.
  6. If Honaro has any doubts as to the truthfulness or the validity of the Data provided by the User and/or the Company (also as a result of any entry made by a third party using the website), Honaro, notwithstanding the above, is entitled:
    1. to request the User and/or the Company to immediately remove the untrue Data put on the website or to update it;
    2. to send a warning to the User and/or the Company;
    3. to block the User and/or the Company from accessing selected Services on the Website;
    4. to block the Profile until the matter is satisfactorily resolved;
    5. to remove the Profile permanently.
  7. By placing the Data, especially any image, materials or posts on own or other User’s Profile, the User and/or the Company grants to Honaro a non-excusive licence to use, store in computer memory, change, remove, supplement, publicly perform, publicly display, copy and distribute (especially on the Internet) such Data.


  1. Each User and/or the Company may have only one Profile. Allowing access to the Profile to other persons, as well as using Profiles of other persons is not allowed.
  2. By concluding the Agreement with Honaro, the User and/or the Company commits in particular not to undertake any activities which may hinder or disrupt the functioning of the Website, using the Website Services in any manner burdensome to other Users and/or Companies, as well any activities consisting especially in destroying, changing, removing or hindering access to the Profiles of other Users and/or Companies.
  3. Any activities which might intrude the privacy of other Users and/or Companies are not allowed, including in particular any gathering, processing and distribution of information about other Users and/or Companies without obtaining their explicit consent, unless such activities are in compliance with the law and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  4. Any activities to the detriment of Users and/or Companies are not allowed, including in particular any Opinions, Rates, References and other content concerning Companies and their products/services which are not true, as well as any content that is vulgar, offensive or indecent, promoting violence, as well as by using any untrue or confidential information, or activities which involve the publishing of materials or symbols of organisations which are considered unconstitutional or illegal in Poland.
  5. The User and/or the Company must not undertake any activities aimed at obtaining from other Users and/or Companies any passwords and/or identification data (especially for broadly defined commercial purposes or for illegal purposes), as well as any activities which involve using viruses, boots, worms or other computer codes, files or programs in order to disrupt, destroy or restrict the operation of the Website or hardware, or in any other way allow unauthorised use or access to a computer or a computer network.
  6. The User and/or the Company must not undertake any activities automating the use of the Website, for example automatic creation of accounts, adding opinions, displaying profiles, as well as using scripts, software, etc. allowing to generate contents or take any action as part of the Website.
  7. The Users are not allowed to put on the Website and/or distribute using the Website:
    1. any software subject to third party rights, without appropriate authorisation.
    2. any software or computer codes intended especially for unauthorised destructing, damaging, modifying, removing, hindering or preventing access to computer data, as well as its automatic processing, gathering and transmission, and disrupting the operation of systems and ICT networks.
    3. any computer passwords or any other data allowing unauthorised access to information stored on computer systems or ICT networks.
  8. Any activities which may, in particular, hinder or destabilise the operation of the Website or put the Website at risk of losing reputation are not allowed. If Honaro determines that the User/Company is acting to the detriment of Honaro, Honaro may immediately block or remove the Profile of such User/Company.
  9. Certain activities by the User and/or Companies which may destabilize the Website may be considered as an offence, especially under the Penal Code.
  10. Any activities which promote in particular any business activity, products or services without the explicit consent of Honaro are not allowed. Honaro reserves the right to impose a contractual penalty of PLN 50.00 for each display of this type of content. The first sentence does not apply to Companies using Paid Services.
  11. It is not allowed within Mail:
    1. to send messages containing contents with unidentified sender;
    2. to send messages which may be sent to multiple recipients;
    3. to send messages which the recipient indicated as unwanted.

Article 5. LIABILITY

  1. Honaro is not liable for any disruption in the operation of the Website due to force majeure, equipment failure or unauthorised interference by Users, even if they cause a loss of data on Profiles of Users and/or Companies.
  2. Honaro is not liable for any temporary inability to use the Website functions by Users and/or Companies, resulting from any necessary changes and improvements to the system. Users and/or Companies will be notified about any technical breaks and their duration.
  3. Honaro is not liable for any contents and Data sent or published by Users and/or Companies. Users and/or Companies who send contents infringing the law or the rights of third parties protected by law may be subject to criminal or civil liability.
  4. The User is fully liable for any violation of law or any loss caused by his/her actions on the Website, especially for giving untrue Data, revealing a professional secret or any other confidential information, as well as infringing any personal rights, copyrights or related rights.
  5. Honaro is not liable for any claims made by other persons in connection with the publication of the Data, especially their photos or images. Liability for any such publication rests solely with the User and/or the Company which published the disputed Data.
  6. Honaro is not liable for any data, especially viruses, worms and any other computer codes, left on the Website servers by entities unemployed by Honaro, which may negatively influence the operation of Users and/or Companies computers. This applies especially to programs intended to intercept passwords and email addresses by third parties, as well as hack and infect a computer system using viruses.


  1. Any disruption in the operation of the Website may be reported to Honaro by the User and/or the Company by email sent to
  2. Before reporting any problem in the operation of the Website, the User/Company must first read the Help file available at
  3. Complaints are accepted by Honaro only with respect to Paid Services.
  4. The time for processing a complaint is 14 working days and starts at the moment when the report is received by Honaro. However, in especially justified cases Honaro reserves the right to extend the time referred to in the previous sentence. In such event, the User and/or the Company will be notified about it by electronic means. Honaro has the right to disregard a complaint if it results from not knowing these Terms and Conditions or the law, as well as from improper use of the Website.
  5. Honaro may interfere in the Profile of the User and/or the Company in order to remove any abnormalities in the operation of the Website and any disturbances or problems in the operation of the Profile or Website.
  6. Honaro will disregard any complaints about services made by other persons using the Website functions.
  7. Honaro is not liable for the proper operation of the User/Company mail accounts. The User/Company is obliged to use proper and current email address when corresponding with Honaro.


  1. Subject to section 3 of this Article, Honaro reserves the right to change the provisions of these Terms and Conditions at any time due to important (especially technical or legal) reasons, without their justification to Users and/or Companies.
  2. In case of change of these Terms and Conditions, Honaro will notify Users and/or Companies thereof by sending a relevant message to the email address indicated by them in the Profile, or will put such information in a visible place on the Website.
  3. Any change becomes effective after 7 days from the time of making the changed Terms and Conditions available at or within the deadline specified by Honaro (not less than 7 days).
  4. Further use of the Profile after the publication of the changed Terms and Conditions is equivalent to their acceptance.
  5. If any terms of these Terms and Conditions are changed or annulled under a valid court decision, the remaining terms remain valid and bind Users, Companies and Honaro.
  6. Any annexes to these Terms and Conditions are an integral part thereof.
  7. The current version of these Terms and Conditions, along with all annexes thereto, is available at


The agreement between the User and/or the Company and Honaro shall be governed by the English law. Any disputes related to the services provided by Honaro as part of this Website will be resolved by English common courts having jurisdiction over the registered office of Honaro.

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